Must-Haves for every GoalKEEPER

Have you ever thought about in what circumstances make your job harder and what a huge effort your job takes?

- Worn-out Goalkeeper Gloves
- Sprained - dislocated - and even broken fingers
- Pouring rain
- Hard and untended pitches
- .... etc.

Those are only few challenges you have to cope with as a Goalkeeper! And on top of that you are powerless against those outside influences. But what we can do is to provide you the best possible Goalkeeper gear so you can concentrate 100% on your game!

Your Goalkeeper Gloves are your best friends...

...So care about them! They are, as you know exposed to every weather condition and unplayable pitches. That is the reason why it takes also a lot of work to keep your gloves in good condition. Because that's the the only way to experience memorable moments with them. Thanks to the great accessories like the Glove Glu Wash & Prepare, Glove Fresh and the reliable and popular Glove Glu you have the opportunity to extend their lifespan.

The Glove Glu Wash & Prepare cleans your best friend without damaging the palm and this leads to a higher durability. With the DirTECH recipe all dirt particle are getting removed and in an instant your glove will have the perfect grip again.

The Glove Fresh is the "womanizer" among our Must-Haves. It keeps you glove fresh and removes strong odour. This annoying smell and the aroma is a bacterial effect which the Glove Fresh is battling with an anti-bacterial formula. The difference to an conventional spray is that the Glove Fresh destroys the bacteria while the conventional spray only hides them with another smell.

With the Glove Glu, also called the Wonderspray, you can literally spray more grip on your gloves. You can use it before or during the game to improve your grip.


Hast du dein passendes Modell gefunden, ist der Grip das A und O deines Torwarthandschuhs. Damit du den perfekten Grip auch so lange wie möglich aufrechterhalten kannst und die Lebensdauer deines Torwarthandschuhs verlängert wird, ist die richtige Pflege besonders wichtig. Wie du deine Handschuhe richtig pflegst, erfährst du hier. Die richtigen Produkte dazu haben wir dir hier aufgelistet:

Take care of yourself and your body!

As an excited KEEPER you definitely know the feeling: "What a terrible ground again!" You can skip such negative feelings from now on. A lot of brands like KEEPERsport, Sells or uhlsport are producing Knee- and Elbow pads and they are providing you protection without any restriction.

If you are prone to sprain, dislocation or even to fractures, you definitely should have a Finger Tape with you. This will stabilise your fingers and still offer freedom of movement.

Accessoires you should never forget!

Are you this type of goalkeeper who is known for it to always eager to achieve everything possible? So to be perfectly prepared you should get used to having various Tapes, ergonomically fitting "Anti Slip Socks", diverse protection, exclusive care products for goalkeeper gloves and your personal water bottle in your bag. A lot of your professional goalkeeping colleagues would never go on the pitch without all those accessories.


Ausrüstung für regnerische Tage:


Um im Training richtig durchstarten zu können gibt es hilfreiches Equipment, welches das Training abwechslungsreicher und effektiver gestaltet.

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